FeaturedWedding Series

Wedding Series: Parent Portraits

By March 3rdOctober 18th, 2020No Comments

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As a wedding photographer, I obviously believe in love. I value marriage as a secure, binding, lasting phenomenon, that is an integral piece of our lives. When I photograph a bride and groom, I appreciate the love they share and have built together, and I thrive on creating art from their joyous excitement. Beneath the surface, I enjoy looking for layers of love throughout their wedding celebration. Often, the couples who have hired me share my beliefs about love and marriage, and I find the evidence of that very love in the roots that run deep through their families. I make a point to photograph the loving relationships within the bride and groom’s families because I know that is where the bride and groom have found such comfort and strength throughout their lives to this point, and where they will likely gain major support throughout their marriage. To me, a wedding is far more than a day of gloriously stylish celebration. A set of wedding photos should reflect the joy and principles that unite the bride and groom, paving a path for their love to grow for life. The cherishing, steadfast love I’m referring to can be found all around at a wedding, perhaps more than any other kind of gathering. How meaningful for a couple to find a collection of snapshots of that love mixed in with their wedding photos!

Throughout a wedding day, I will always take time to photograph the bride and groom with the parents or grandparents who have come to support, celebrate, and love them. That’s a given. In addition to those important photos, I will find time to photograph the parents and grandparents separately from the bride and groom. I love the sheer joy and pride that these precious individuals radiate in light of their beloved children’s wedding celebration. I also appreciate the love that flows between them, as they reflect on how far they have come to this point. They are joyfully reminiscent, celebrating the one who they likely remember vividly as a toddler who has now become a strong, confident, beautiful, accomplished bride or groom. These photos will be among the ones that find a place in an album or a beautiful frame for sure.

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